My Journey to Green Grounded Grove: A Path of Discovery and Connection

My Journey to Green Grounded Grove: A Path of Discovery and Connection

Hello and welcome to the very heart of Green Grounded Grove, a space where the magic of the earth meets the infinite potential of the human spirit. I'm Krista, the founder, and this is the story of how this journey began—a journey not just of discovery but of coming home to myself and the earth.

It all started when I met my husband, who introduced me to "The Secret" and the powerful concept of the Law of Attraction. The idea that my thoughts could shape my reality was transformative, igniting a thirst in me for deeper knowledge and understanding. This was the beginning of a path that would lead me to explore the realms of energy healing, the mysteries of the other side, and ultimately, the profound connection we share with the earth.

But how did my passion for herbs begin? That's a question I often ponder. Was it the stevia drops my aunt added to my water during a city play audition, or the wheatgrass a resident shared with me, sparking a curiosity I couldn't shake? Or perhaps it was the essential oils introduced to me by a friend who also lived in the community I managed. Pinpointing the exact moment is challenging because, in truth, it feels like this path found me.

About three years ago, something compelled me to transform a small room in my house into a sanctuary of herbs. I still can't say what that push was, but it led me down a rabbit hole of exploring tinctures, salves, teas, and the energies that herbs carry. This wasn't a choice; it was a calling.

Crystals, crystal gridding, reiki, meditation, sound baths, breathwork, etc… — each of these practices came into my life in a similar, serendipitous fashion. They didn't just add to my life; they became integral parts of my being, teaching me, healing me, and guiding me toward my true purpose.

Green Grounded Grove is the culmination of this journey. It's a place where I can share the knowledge I've gained, the passions that have ignited my spirit, and the practices that have grounded my existence. It's a space for all of us to explore our connection to the earth and to each other, to heal, to grow, and to love.

I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you, sharing all that fuels my passion. Together, let's dive into the wonders of nature, the power of energy, and the beauty of connection.

With light and love,


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